Host Family Application Form

A value is required.

Street Address

A value is required.

A value is required.

A value is required.

Postal Code

A value is required.

Home Phone
A value is required.

Work Phone

Cell Phone

A value is required.


Names of residents living at home


Year of Birth


A value is required.


Please make a selection.

Spouse's Occupation


Please make a selection.

Your Residence:

Please make a selection.

What daily language is used at home?
A value is required.

Does any member of the household have any physical or mental condition that students should be made aware of?
A value is required.

Has any member of the household ever been convicted of any offence other than a traffic violation?
A value is required.

Do you have a family pet? If so, what kind?
A value is required.

Name a few of your family’s interests and hobbies:

An entry is required.

Student preference:

Please make a selection.

Would you allow a student to smoke outside your home?

Please make a selection.

Are you able to host students with special diets (vegetarian or other)?

Please make a selection.

Which kind of student accommodation will you provide?

Please make a selection.

Have you hosted a student before?

Please make a selection.

If you have hosted before, which year, and for which school or agency?

What are your reasons for hosting?
A value is required.

List two personal or business references below:

A value is required.

A value is required.
A value is required.

A value is required.

Referrals — Names of people that may be interested in hosting international students:


The completion of this application does not confirm the placement of any student(s) in your home.